Formal Success


Staff Writer 

On Saturday all VUSD high schools had their annual “Winter Formal” dance held at Golden West High School. The theme for the dance was “The Clock Strikes At Midnight” which was based on Disney’s “Cinderella”. The turnout was great. There were many people on the dance floor, ticket sales were great, and everyone looked stunning. The DJ was great at choosing his selection of groovy songs that got people moving. This included well-known songs like “The Cha Cha Slide”, “The Cupid Shuffle”, “Crank That”, etc. Besides the great selection of music, the decor was great too. There were 2 free picture booths, and one for group and couple pics. The sides of the gym were decorated with baby blue sheer curtains, blue setting spotlights, and flickering stream lights. The smaller gym connected to the huge gym held refreshments and places to sit down for tired, thirsty, or hungry groups and couples. Overall, this was a night filled with fun, laughter, romance, and most importantly school spirit. Great job to everyone who attended and represented our school’s pride. Go, Miners!

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