E.L.D.S *FILLER* 11 (The Story of Orion)


Staff Writer

Each Arc Soldier has a unique ability that only they are able to have. That ability is made by the Arc Soldiers’ physical body and mental training. It was confirmed by multiple scientists that the ability Arc Soldiers require is made at the very downfall of a soldier’s life and isn’t able to activate the ability unless they cope with themselves. The worse the downfall. The stronger the ability. Orion Tortuga has an ability where the longer he fights he exceeds every limit known to man. He can punch as hard as a moving train and run as fast as the speed of light, but of course, it does not come for free. If the ability exceeds his human body it starts tearing muscle in his body and the longer he goes the worse the tears become. If used long enough, his bones become weak and a simple leap can snap it in half. Thankfully for the built-in healing chamber in the suits, the injuries automatically heal when detected. Orion’s ability was the first I’ve seen that can not only rival the captains but easily take them out one on one or possibly against all of them at once. This ability was extraordinary and the most powerful I’ve seen so far. What did Orion go through to obtain an ability such as this?

Orion Tortuga was not comfortable telling his life story. No one would be comfortable telling stories of their past. Orion made an exception and decided to actually tell me his past when I asked. It all started with his parents. The dad was extremely abusive to the mother. So badly that she would have to go to the hospital on many occasions. Orion was a little kid at the time and knew he couldn’t do anything about it and so he and his little sister just watched the abuse happen or hear from their rooms. The mom once went to the hospital for a broken jaw and leg, she was in there for weeks and finally was told that she will never talk or walk again. Orion and his sister stayed with the mom in the hospital. The mother had a paper and pencil with her to make contact with someone because she wasn’t able to talk with the broken jaw. When the sister left the room for a while the mom was writing to Orion how was still in the room with her. She wrote that she couldn’t fight anymore. The letter explained that when he got old enough that he would have to fight too and when he did fight, she wanted him to keep fighting. Fight until you can’t fight anymore. Orion was confused about what she was trying to say. Finally, the mom wrote to take care of the sister and that she loved both of them. Orion was still confused at that age on what she was trying to say. The mom wanted Orion to go play with the sister who was in the waiting room. Orion left the room to go play with his sister, not knowing that was the last thing the mom would ever tell him. Seconds later, doctors were rushing to the room the mom was in. Orion’s mom had committed suicide in the room. Before the mom died, she wrote a letter to Orion. It said that she couldn’t live with the thought of being a mother and not being able to protect her children anymore. She was writing about how it was Orion’s turn to fight and never give up fighting. Orion and his sister went back to the house with the father. After the mother’s death, Orion’s sister was always in her room and hardly came out. She would come out to use the restroom but never eat. She passed by Orion’s room and he saw the sister skinny as ever. Barely even walking right. She was refusing to eat after her mother’s death. When she returned to the room Orion went to check on her. He saw his sister hanging when he opened to door. She also committed suicide and left nothing but a picture. The picture had her and the mom flying over a city with angel wings and a halo above their heads. On the back, there was a single sentence that said she wanted to be with her mom and she was sorry she wasn’t as strong as her big brother. She was only twelve years old. The ambulance took the sister’s body. Orion was still in her room crying of sadness of losing his sister and mother but smiling because he knew they were free from this cruel life. Orion knew he couldn’t join them. He had to keep fighting. After Orion’s sister died the father left the house and never came back. Time went on and Orion was living on his own in the house. He met a girl walking around the city and they eventually became lovers. That was the first time he had shown emotion after his sister’s death. Life began for Orion with his newly wedded wife.

The day came when the city’s alarm went off which notified the people that nuclear bombs were being dropped in the vicinity. Orion owned a bunker underground. Before the nukes hit the ground, missiles came raining down from the sky. One hit near the house and took half the house out. Orion’s wife got stuck under fallen parts of the house. As he tried to help her another missile came down on the house and the impact from the missile exploding drove Orion into the bunker leaving his wife. Orion hit his head while his body flew in the bunker fracturing his skull which put him into a coma. The bunker door was open which was the reason he was exposed to the radiation. When he was found still alive with radiation the people who found him took him to the E.L.D.S base. He woke up having already beaten the radiation while in the coma. People in the base asked how he had beaten the radiation. Orion responded with he fought, he had to keep fighting. No one knew what that meant except himself. After losing his mother, sister, and wife he became emotionless. He had used all of his tears. Orion chose to never talk about his past life but to also never forget it.

Orion doesn’t know when or how his ability was created. All he knows is that he will fight and he will keep fighting until the day he can reunite with his mother and sister.

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