Rise of the Resistance Opening


Staff Writer

On Friday, January 17th, 2020, Disney made history by opening the highly anticipated second attraction to Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge at Disneyland California: Rise of the Resistance. This attraction opened over half a year after the official opening of the land which only included one attraction: Millenium Falcon Smugglers Run. The ride has been met with high amounts of praise from Star Wars and Disneyland fans for being the most immersive experience they have ever created. 

Getting on the attraction has been a less than simple experience for those who have been lucky enough to ride the attraction this early. In an attempt to stop a large clogging of fans lining up to get a taste of this new attraction, Disney created a “Boarding Pass“ system. Starting at 8:00 am of each day, free Boarding Passes become available to obtain on the Disneyland app for those who are inside of the park. A Boarding Pass is what lets a group ride the attraction. For the past few days, these boarding passes have been selling out within the first minute of them being available on the app. It is estimated that Disney will continue this system for the next two months to alleviate the traffic of the ride. 

The ride itself is an absolute masterpiece of an experience. Starting in the mountain range of Batuu, the planet Galaxy’s Edge is based on, you are instructed by a holographic message of Rey to board a ship to fight the First Order. Leaving the showroom and entering this ship, the entire room turns into a Star Tours like experience with the entire room moving and shaking to simulate flight. However as the First Order discovers your attacks, a tractor beam pulls your ship into a Star Destroyer. The ship doors open to reveal the Star Destroyer you are inside with a swarm of stormtroopers standing in a line. First Order Generals yell at you to get to your cell (sidenote, the ride has not even started at this point yet.) After cast member Generals lead your group to a cell, Kylo Ren appears in a balcony above you and begins to interrogate your group, asking where the secret Resistance base is located. After he leaves, sparks emerge on one of the walls of the cell, and the wall is busted open by Resistance members who have come to rescue your group. Walking through the wall, you are lead onto droid piloted trackless vehicles that lead you through the Star Destroyer to get to the escape pods. During your escape, you encounter a room filled with AT-AT walkers, and Kylo Ren as he protrudes his lightsaber through the ceiling as he tries to catch you.

The entire experience is unlike anything Disney has ever created and will go down as one of the greatest Disney attractions ever made. I highly recommend watching a video of the full experience to really get a feel for how amazing this ride is!

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