El D Academic Decathlon Success!


Staff Writer

On Saturday, February 1st, our school’s Academic Decathlon organization sweeped out just about every award in the Tulare County competition! Every single plaque, other than one, was awarded to an El Diamante student. To get a plaque, you have to do the best out of everyone in the county in a testing category. Many of the medals, awarded to those who did the best in a category in their division, were given to El Diamante students. And the humongous winning trophy which determines who gets to go to the state competition next month was awarded to El Diamante’s Team 2. However, due to a scoring error, it was determined later in the weekend that it will actually be Team 1 that is going to state. However, that isn’t to say that Team 2 did not do great, as they came in second place out of every team in the Tulare County competition just before Team 1. 

The successful Team 1 members are as follows: David Zegarra, Katy Jolly, Carol Huang, Devin Prado, Yibo Liang, Fabian Chitay, Carter House, Steven Pérez, and Isaiah Boriphanvichitr. They will get to compete in the state competition in Sacramento at the end of next month.

Congratulations to all Academic Decathlon students and their coach Mr. Jolly! Best of luck to Team 1 in state!

** This team is being honored at 3:30 in El Diamante’s library today, Feb. 5th.

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