Meghan Markle


Staff Writer

African Americans know Meghan Markle’s race as being black, however, whites would rather call her something else. African Americans embrace their culture so if there is some African American blood running through her veins they consider her one of their own. Some white people get upset when Meghan Markle is identified as black and not as biracial. Many people refer to her race as black, but in Britain, they refer to Meghan as biracial because it seems more “accurate”. Another reason they don’t want to refer to her as black is to preserve America’s white majority which is rapidly being overtaken by people of color. She embraces her black side like when she went to South Africa on royal business. She made a stop in Cape Town where she spoke to a community of people about how she is part of them and is no different even if she’s half white. All humans have multiple races in them, and if everyone were to look at us that way there would be no need to argue about what race you are. 

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