School Hours


Staff Writer 

High school students should be able to pick the time they want to go to their classes and here’s why. Throughout your high school years, you are always going to hear the topic of college come up. The reason we should pick our schedule is that it will get us ready for that big part of our lives. It will be hard to adapt to when we get to college especially if we can’t do morning classes like we have it set right now. Some kids just aren’t motivated in the mornings and that’s what causes some to fail. Lots of people don’t have the energy or the motivation to get up and go learn which causes teens to fail and begin to care less about school. If they gave teens the option to pick what time their classes started it would probably be more beneficial especially if some of them have jobs. It will help them work around their schedule in case they have sports as well. All in all, it is very beneficial and can make learning easier and less stressful for some. 

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