Apex Documentary


Staff Writer      

  I recently started playing a game called Apex Legends. In this game, you can choose out of multiple characters, which are considered legends, as the person you would like to play. Once you have chosen a legend to play as you ready up a go instantly into a match with two other teammates who are either randoms or friends you decided to play with. The match is a team of three battle royal. Last team standing wins. As time progresses in the game a type of storm encloses on the map which reduces the movement area on the map. The smaller the storm gets, the more damage it does if inside of it. As my legend, I chose a character named Crypto. Each legend has its own special unique ability that they and only they are allowed to do. Crypto’s ability is a flying drone that he can use and fly around if in range. This drone allows him to scan enemies if in the range of the drone. The scanned enemies remained scanned until the drone loses visual of them. The enemies that are scanned are highlighted and are able to be seen by your entire team. As each legend has its own ability. Each legend had its special ability for the ability they already have which can only be used once in a while and not frequently. Crypto’s special ability sets off some sort of emp in the drones range that does fifty percent damage to armor that the enemy is wearing and also stuns the enemies which make them walk slowly. In a game, if a teammate is brought to zero health the immediately go down. If they are killed when downed a death box appears where they died which contains all of the items they possessed before they died. You are still able to bring a partner back alive if you retrieve their banner from the death box and take it to a respawn machine. One of the many great abilities about Crypto is that you are allowed to retrieve a player’s banner from their death box with his drone and not by hand. That one feature in his ability gets you out of a having to fight your way to your friend’s death box. If you are able to win a game you will be considered the Apex Champions of that game you just played and with the experience points you gathered from that game you will have a chance of being the champion in the next game you play based from the experience points you had last game.

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