Coronavirus Updates as of February 13th

Staff Writer

Ever since the outbreak of Coronavirus first appeared, the number of confirmed cases and deaths continues to increase. As of yesterday, February 13th, there have been 63,851 confirmed cases in the Chinese mainland. Globally, it’s about 64,000 cases. Although there have thankfully been 6,723 people discharged from hospitals, the death toll has increased to 1,380. Many Chinese medical workers helping to fight the virus in civilians are getting infected as well, and many of them are not surviving.

On February 11th, just a few days ago, the WHO (World Health Organization) publicly announced a new name for the contagious disease: COVID-19. It is still highly contagious, for it can be spread by a common cough or sneeze at a max of 6 feet away. And while doctors are working outrageously hard to find a vaccine or cure, the numbers are still growing exponentially bigger. So it’s important for you to be aware of who you’re coming into contact with, and do the necessary things you need to do to avoid getting sick during this risky time.

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