Motivation Songs


Staff Writer

When we think about our favorite songs we usually think of the ones that motivate us the most, the ones that bring out our happiness and make us feel like we’re on top of the world. Have you ever thought of a song that motivated you?  If so, these songs tend to make you feel happier and make you want to go out and do the things you’d enjoy doing.

Songs that motivate you often make you wanna reach your dreams in life and envision everything you would like to do and make you daydream about it all with the music you’re playing with. Music inspires us to do more with ourselves and embrace our differences. Sometimes when we listen to these songs we wanna be out there showing the world what we got whether it is with hanging with our friends or our imaginations.

Sometimes we get lost in our music. We forget where we were actually because we just love it so much. We all have our differences when it comes to music and have different tastes. A lot of us would follow everyone else and listen to what they listen to because that particular song is very popular. Sure, of course, it is very fun and entertaining to blast music in a certain area and have tons of people pumped up.

Sometimes our differences in music make us feel unpopular and we don’t feel like we fit in with the rest of the crowd so we feel vulnerable when we listen to different music. But in all honesty, the music we choose to listen to shouldn’t suggest whether we fit in with the rest of the crowd or not. What makes us feel motivated to do more is what really matters and we shouldn’t let the influence of other people determine what kind of music we should be listening to because we should fit in. Embrace your differences and be more motivated and open-minded.

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