Probing Coronavirus


Staff Writer

The coronavirus is a huge problem all over but not as much as where it started in the Hubei Province, where Wuhan is located. The death toll in mainland China is 723 and more than 34,000 people have been infected. There have also been a plethora of other cases in over twenty-four other countries. WHO director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has stated that an international team of experts has been assembled that have been approved by the Chinese government to go into the country and examine it. The WHO officials have seen that some of the new cases are stabilizing which is very good, but they also can’t make predictions about how many people are infected because of how early on it is. In response to the outbreak, the Trump administration has put travel restrictions into place, temporarily stopping most travelers from China and they are being quarantined up to 14 days to protect the American citizens.

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