The Last of Her Kind (3)


Staff Writer

…It was not easy. The King figured he could not let the family go, or they would spill his plan to the rest of the village. Yet, he did not harm the family. His only interest was the Child. The old, beloved castle became a prison for the family. Constantly having to aid in hiding their Child and dodging the King along with his servants. The Child slowly became fed up with this cat and mouse game. She knew she would not be able to hide forever. So, she devised a plan. One that was separated from the thoughts of her family. She planned to make a deal with the King. One that could end in either of their demises, but the King would not know that. He would only understand that it would be the Child that died. To embark on this plan, she knew she would need the sympathy of the Queen to convince the King to go along with this. The Child, only slightly feigning her exhaustion, came forward to the Queen and told the woman she was tired. She accepted her fate. On one condition. The Child asked for a traditional, ritualistic death. These words shocked the Queen, but she believed them and held them in her heart. The Queen promised the young girl that her request would become a reality…

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