Harvey Weinstein FINALLY Found Guilty


Staff Writer

After a long drawn out trial and months of testimonies from brave survivors, Harvey Weinstein was finally found guilty of rape in the third degree and criminal sexual act in the first degree. These were only two out of the numerous charges he was being tried for. The jury found him not guilty on two counts of predatory sexual assault, which each carried a sentence of up to life in prison. Right now Weinstein is looking at a sentence of five to twenty-five years if justice is rightfully delivered. More than eighty women spoke out against Weinstein over the past couple of years, sparking the #Metoo movement in Hollywood that allowed victims of sexual harassment and assault to have space where they were not alone. Silence Breakers, a group that represents Weinstein accusers like Ashley Judd and Rosanna Arquette, released a statement saying, “While it is disappointing that today’s outcome does not deliver the true, full justice that so many women deserve, Harvey Weinstein will now forever be known as a convicted serial predator,” the group said in a statement. “This conviction would not be possible without the testimony of the courageous women and the many women who have spoken out.” This case absolutely stands as an example that if you are white, rich, and have influence, you can get away with almost anything in America. Although this verdict is short of the justice that should’ve been served, it serves as a reality check of how much change needs to happen so women don’t have to be subjected to sexual harassment and assault by prominent men who feel as though they can use their power and means to take advantage, because #Metoo. 

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