

Staff Writer


Dyed hair,


Loud music,

And black clothes.

I’m not society’s idea of “normal”.

Society tells you to:

Act this way,

Dress this way,

Look this way,

Listen to this music,

And love this way.

Do all this and you’ll be “normal”.

You will conform.

I don’t want to conform. 

Why do that when you can be unique?

That’s what I am.


So, I’m going to continue to:

Dress how i want,

Listen to the music I want,

Act the way I want,

Look how I want,

And love who I want.

Why you may ask?

Because why conform when you can stand out and be yourself.

If society doesn’t like that,

Who cares.

Sure, I’m not “normal”.

But I’m me.

That’s all that matters.

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