The Last of Her Kind (5)


Staff Writer

…His robes flowed down his rather tall body, gracefully scraping the floor. The Child felt no fear as she locked eyes with the man who was to take her life. Or so, that was his plan. He smiled thinly and gestured to the altar on a mantle to his left. The Child did not even realize it was there when she first walked in. It was marble, smoothe and cream-colored. In the shape of a European dragon. The mouth of the beast was open, curved, so a liquid could be placed into it. The Queen stood and slowly walked to the piece, procuring a bottle from her dress. In the bottle was a clear liquid that when opened, burned the Child’s nose and visibly disgusted the King. It was Holy Water. For centuries, this liquid was used against beasts like her and the King, yet now, it was cherished as a holy object for ritual. It was poured into the mouth of the altar. The Queen stepped back and bowed, then exited the church. It was just the Child and the King. They stood face to face, yet the King towered over her by at least three feet. Yet, she was not intimidated. She showed no fear on the outside…

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