Staff Writer
Cell Phones are an essential item most people carry around with them in their bags and pockets. We hold these devices close to us, for they are the ultimate form of communication to our loved ones, and are objects that rid of our boredom. With how we can simply take out our phones at any given point to take a picture, go on social media, send and receive text messages, it makes our life much easier than it was before. But within these conveniences, came with some problems. Research in the article shows that when people had their phones near them, they performed worse in simple tasks than compared to people who had their phones in another room. This is critical with how many people own smartphones and how it can affect our learning and developing creative ideas. Even when we aren’t using them, the presence of our smartphones can deeply affect us. Their research also suggests that the presence of our phone is like a call to our name and we feel the need to give it attention. More so, staying far away from our phones can benefit us to be more productive.