E.L.D.S Part 16 (District Ten)


Staff Writer

Endless amounts of ravengers were heading their way to district eleven and with Orion and the Rebel down, we stood no chance. Me and Yajirobe put Orion and the Rebel in the nearest vehicle and then drove off to the next district. District ten. As we left district eleven I turned back to see the district one last time. That is when I saw a gigantic bolt of lightning hit the entire district. I figured it was another machine that the ravengers had in their arsenal and continued heading to district ten. Two districts were already wiped out by these new enemies and once again there was nothing we could do to stop them. All we could do was run. 

We all reached district ten and by the time we had gotten there Orion and the Rebel were healed to one hundred percent. When we got there all the soldiers, Arc Soldiers and General were extremely far outside the farthest wall to the entryway firing at something. I saw a soldier heading that way with ammunition. I had asked the soldier what was going on.

“The wilders are trying to attack as usual sir,” the soldier responded right before bolting to his destination. I was shocked to even hear any wilders had lived through that brutal massacre that had occurred at their main base. There was one thing that we could do and that was to help them. We decided to take the quickest way there and that was called the gauntlet. The gauntlet was a type of big mortar that was loaded with bullets which were actually pods made for travel only to fit one person in each pod. We told the operator of the gauntlet to take us to the fight. He nodded and set its destination. We each got into a pod ready to go. Once we were all shot into the air we went over a plan on what to do when we land.

“Screw it. Whatever attacks me I’m gonna kill,” The Rebel said, getting tired of me talking. I just sighed and shook my head. Orion and Yajirobe agreed to what I had said and then seconds later we landed.

In order for the gauntlet pod to land without causing damage to friendly equipment, the location of the pod’s destination was directly into enemy territory. Once the news came back that the soldiers who landed in enemy territory were just instantly killed when they got out of their pods, things were added to prevent that from happening again. An automatic mini turret was built into the pod. Once the gauntlet pod lands the turret pops out and shoots rapidly and at that same time the turret goes all around the pod instantly clearing out any nearby enemies that are around the pod. 

Once me and my group of Arc soldiers landed directly into enemy territory the turrets went off killing about fifty of the wilders. We were unexpectedly greeted by multiple berserkers and more than a dozen wilders. They headed towards us and as they did I smiled.

“NOW!” I yelled, ordering everyone with me. 

“Goddammit already?” The Rebel sighed, upset about not being able to kill anything yet. 

“Whoop whoop let’s do this,” Orion said as happy as ever. 

“My turn,” Yajirobe said as he got one steel rod out from his holster. Kinda like a staff. He activated his ability and instead of putting his plasma into his sniper for major firepower he put it into his rod. He had full control of the weapon’s physical appearance by adding his plasma ability into it plus it was now an extremely dangerous weapon. One swipe can slice an Arc Soldier in half. We all dropped down to the floor except Yajirobe. Once he added his plasma into the rod he made it into a type of whip. Yajirobe swung the whip right over us killing any wilder or berserkers who made contact with it. Once the area was secured we all headed different ways to take out the rest of the wilders. A winnable battle. Something we haven’t had in a while.

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