The Terrors of Motherhood


Staff Writer

Tuesday, September 8, 2020, a new life joined my household. The Sunday prior, my mother was driving home from Three Rivers when she spotted a lump in the road. She was with her partner at the time and he immediately pulled over. He told her to stay in the truck as he was nervous about what they’d see. The “lump” was actually a small kitten. She had a head injury and a bloodied nose as if a hawk had dropped her face-first onto the concrete. She was wrestled into a box after multiple efforts, and they drove her down the hill to my cousin. My cousin then took care of the kitten for the first crucial 48 hours. As soon as I heard about it I rushed over to their house and fell instantly in love with the creature. My cousin had originally called the kitten Petrie but I decided that, due to her gray and white bicoloring, she should be named Meeko. I came back later that day after buying formula, a food bowl, and some toys for the creature. I brought her home with me that day. Now I’ve been taking care of her for a whole week and she’s already my best friend. She is my comfort through the emotional times I’m going through, and I love her dearly. The rest of my family is extraordinarily jealous because it is very apparent that I am Meeko’s favorite. She sleeps with me every night, and more often than not she follows me wherever I go. We now have four animals in our house and it’s driving my Mom crazy, but I couldn’t be happier. 

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