COVID’s Effect on College Tuition


Staff Writer

Since the pandemic started, a lot of things have changed. Most schools have gone online to reduce the spread of the virus. However, for colleges and universities, the situation becomes complicated. For most college students their tuition is extremely, extremely, EXTREMELY expensive. Yet, some colleges have no plan on lowering their tuition. So, the idea of spreading thousands of dollars on online classes is extremely ridiculous. Especially, when tuition includes housing, use of the library, and other on-campus resources. Some colleges have been generous and refunded housing costs, but that’s it. It is not hard to tell that students get a completely different learning experience doing classes online than doing it in person. Especially when it comes to the learning environment that colleges provide their students compared to high school and elementary schools. Hopefully, by the time the class of 2021 has to decide which college they will go to in the fall, tuition will be lower or classes will be in person once again. 

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