Dogs For The Win


Staff Writer 

Growing up, I’ve always preferred dogs over cats. The reasoning for why I prefer dogs over cats is possibly because my dad is allergic to their fur, or possibly because I always feared that they were going to scratch my face. Watching cartoons as a child, I always saw cats as the feisty characters that aimed for the face when striking an attack. I’m not trying to completely bash on the cat species, but I can confidently say that dogs are better than cats. Dogs are the type of animal that brings joy to a group of people. With their smiley faces and their pink tongues hanging out, how could a person not prefer dogs over cats? They make the perfect snuggle buddy and can improve any person’s day. I first fell in love with dogs when I got my two Golden-Doodles. They were brothers and I raised them as my own! I fed them everyday, and spoiled them with hugs. Ever since getting my two dogs, I began to cherish the dog species a bit more. When I take a trip to the beach, I make sure to spend time looking around at the different dogs chasing the waves. If I see a funny video on the internet involving a dog, my heart instantly tingles with excitement. Dogs are so precious and wonderful. They for sure know how to make life great! 

As a way for El Diamante to adjust with this different school year, the school’s ASB class began hosting lunch time activities that take place on Zoom. One of the lunch time activities was Pet Cam. This incredible lunch time activity gave students the chance to show off their pets. The turn out was amazing! So many different dog breeds were sneaking up on the zoom camera, my heart just could not contain its happiness. This lunch time activity was by far my favorite one this year. I loved getting to meet everyone’s dogs and seeing some of their tricks. 

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