Staff Writer
This week, California’s governor, Newsom, attempts to mandate electric cars by the year 2035. This ambitious goal leaves many Californians to wonder how they will do this. Here are a few common concerns California has. Fire season and stay at home orders have left us with flaws in our power plants. If the electrical plants’ blackout with the use of daily household items, what will happen when everyone charges their electric cars. Secondly, gas monkeys have questions about the reliability of battery-powered automobiles: how much mileage, the charge time, and what happens after the battery breaks for good. With these concerns, Californians will be very hesitant to switch to electric. Lastly, by the year 2035, we might have more effective cleaner ways of transporting humans that will be cheaper and cleaner. If they want to do their part, make conversion kits so people can still keep their cars. Let’s try not to waste materials on manufacturing a whole new automobile, instead let’s focus on the switch to electric motors. Or the much anticipated high-speed rail, or how about old fashion bicycles. Either way, you look at the picture, it is a good goal that we should all be striving for, but is it a realistic goal?