

Staff Writer

Donald J. Trump announced that he has COVID just a few days ago. He doesn’t feel many symptoms and the virus isn’t affecting him very hard like others might be affected. There was a video that was released of Trump discussing that he will be visiting some people while he has COVID. This was very upsetting to many viewers. The President of the United States is deciding to continue to see people while he has a deadly virus. That is not okay. Along with this, Trump didn’t really wear a mask much anywhere he went but would talk about how serious it is. He proceeded to discuss how masks are important, but didn’t wear them. This is extremely hypocritical. Biden wore a mask when he went places and he didn’t get COVID. Trump didn’t wear one and he got it. Biden reminds Trump that masks matter. Biden told an interviewer, “Masks matter. These masks, they matter. It matters. It saves lives. It prevents the spread of the disease. Social distancing – the only thing I heard was one of the tweets saying that, you know, don’t be so concerned about all this, essentially. There’s a lot to be concerned about.” Shortly after, Trump made a video related to Biden’s message saying, “Don’t let it dominate you. Don’t be afraid of it. You’re gonna beat it.” This response is very unreasonable. He got COVID and he believes that because he didn’t get the strong symptoms of it, that there are not more than 200,000 US citizens that have died from it. This virus is something to be cautious about. Don’t live in fear, but stay protected and do the right thing so you don’t hurt others or their families by getting them sick. Stay inside, and wear a mask!

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