Staff Writer
Subway’s bread is NOT bread…. according to an Irish court. First off, the reason this topic was the subject of a court case is because of a tax dispute brought by the Irish Subway Franchise when they believed some of their items were not liable for value added tax. Subway basically wanted their food to be classified as “staple food,” which is not taxed. This matters because the classifications of food items, or even if it’s prepared or unprepared, determine how much tax would be imposed on that item. Thus, the judges stated that Subway’s bread has an excessively high amount of sugar that legally it could not be defined as bread. Irish law specifically separates bread from other fancy baked goods to determine what is considered a staple food.
Of course, Subway disagreed with this ruling. However, they also have been at this since 2006 and are still going to try to prove to Irish courts that their bread is indeed bread. Will Subway win? Who knows. Does anyone care besides Subway? No.