High School Sports Return

Ever since the middle of March, all high school sports have been cancelled due to the corona virus. This has affected a lot of teenagers, especially those who could’ve been scouted for next year in college since this cancellation is most likely going to continue into the 2020-2021 school year. All Fall sports were allowed to start conditioning in the middle of June,  however that was cancelled due to the virus once again. As cases continued to rise, many student athletes were unsure if we would even have a season . Like  many other people entering senior year, I was upset because I would’ve liked to experience a Senior Night, have a homecoming, win the saddle back against our rivals Golden West. All summer, fall sport athletes had waited to hear if we would have a season, but then found out it was going to be postponed to beginning practice in December. Finally, after many months of waiting for sports to arrive, we have finally received clearance from the health department to begin practice. Although it is only conditioning to some people, it is better than nothing and I’m glad to be back out there playing sports like many of the other student athletes at EDHS. 

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