2020 Presidential Debate


Staff Writer 

The 2020 national presidential debate between current president Donald Trump and Democratic nominee and former Vice President Joe Biden took place in Cleveland, Ohio on September 29. The moderator for this presidential debate was Chris Wallace. During the debate both Donald Trump and Joe Biden interrupted the moderator which is not what we’re supposed to do during a presidential debate. There were definitely some rules that were broken. Some of them were that both Donald Trump and Joe Biden spoke out of turn and interrupted each other more than once. The two candidates also broke the rule that each candidate gets two minutes to speak. At some point during the debate it got chaotic because Joe Biden called Donald Trump a clown and Donald Trump responded to that by saying Joe Biden is not intelligent. In my opinion I think that the first 2020 national presidential debate was a disaster and to me I thought that Trump didn’t do so well. I expected Donald Trump to do much better.

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