Pitch Black


Staff Writer

I am almost grown

And I am still scared of the darkness.

We’ve all been frightened of the dark before;

We’ve all felt alone in the Pitch Blackness.

We’ve all been scared of what’s using the thin veil 

As sanctum during our witching hours.

We’ve all been mocked for our fear of being blind

Wandering through what is most unknown to you.

It started when we were all infants.

The first time you got lost,

Then the first day of school,

Whenever you were somewhere brand new,

Your first independent vacation,

When you moved out for the first and last times,

And it continues… 

You may have found yourself alone,

You may have found yourself in the Pitch Blackness,

But you were

And will be found,

For I will be looking for you

As I wander through, 

Looking for “something” too. 

Walls will fall,

Ceilings will crack,

Earths will shatter,

And within the empty spaces they’ve left behind,

The light will shine through.

The blackness will cease

Because the sun will always rise

And sometimes the best of people will lend their lights too.

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