More Similarities Than Differences


Staff Writer

During this time of heightened political opinion it is easy to judge someone based on whom they vote for, and In reality, I am guilty of this same thing. But once you step back and look at the grand scheme of things, we are far more similar than we are different

In many cases, people don’t know each other’s political beliefs during the off years of the elections. This is because during those moments people couldn’t care less about how others voted, but more of what type of person they are. However this one year is filled with so much hate that it becomes unbearable. Yes, it is important to have an opinion and vote for a candidate, but this opinion should not be the sole reason you end a meaningful relationship. Relationships are built from so many factors, and one difference of opinion is no reason to end one of these meaningful connections. In the end, people are entitled to their own ideas, but no one should force or be forced by the beliefs of others.

The fact is, we all have our own voice. We all have our own opinions. We all have our own beliefs. But most importantly, we all have the right to possess our beliefs without being judged by them.

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