Shepard House


Staff Writer

It was a foggy night out, and the clock was about to strike two. There was a slight sprinkle of rain outside that began to gradually come down harder by the minute.

“Maybe I should head home Jack,” said Hannah. “Oh come on, it’s just some rain. Besides, I didn’t sneak out just to go back home in thirty minutes,” he stated. Hannah put the hoodie part of her jacket over her head and continued walking with Jack. “Fine.”

About fifthteen minutes go by, now Hannah and Jack are walking down a long narrow road. The rain eventually stopped. All that is heard is the sound of the slight wind brushing through the trees. The fog kept you from seeing anything less than a miles radius. The long narrow road started to slope up. Close enough, the fog revealed an old two story house on a hill.  Very old, very rugged, and very abandoned. As creepy as it looked, it was enormous. 

“This is what I wanted to show you. Me and the guys came over here last weekend and explored it. I know it kind of looks terrifying but it’s really cool on the inside, I swear,” Jack said while looking into Hannah’s eyes. “You know I don’t like this kind of stuff. But we didn’t walk this far for nothing.” She began to walk up the hill to the house and Jack chuckled and followed. 

As they walk up to the porch Hannah asks, “So what’s the deal with this house?” 

“Apparently an old couple, Mrs. Shepard and Mr. Shepard, lived here and was murdered during a home invasion. But it was like 10 years ago, and this house has been vacant ever since. Well besides all the people who spray painted the graffiti on the walls. Everyone calls it the Shepard house,” he said while opening the door. He peeks his head in and scans the house to make sure it’s safe. Jack walks into the house and holds out his hand for Hannah. She looks inside and sighs then lightly grabs Jack’s hand. With his other hand he pulls a flashlight out of his pocket and turns it on aiming at the floorboards. “That’s not creepy at all,” whispered Hannah. 

They walked around the house, admiring the graffiti on the walls. Jack looks at Hannah, smiling at her. Their eyes meet, they lean into each other and press their lips together. Just as they kissed a thud came from upstairs that startles both Jack and Hannah. It’s dead silent. They both are standing still like deers in headlights. They began to hear the floorboards above them creek as if someone was walking on them. Jack holds his finger up to his mouth making the ‘shh’ gesture and grabs Hannah’s hand and starts heading for the door.

A demonic scream came from the top of the staircase. It sounded like a deep sinister like creature. It was so loud it echoed through the whole house. As Hannah and Jack were running for the door, Hannah felt a hand grasp her ankle and a strong force dragged her back down the hall. She felt the nails of the creature sink into her skin and she released a painful cry for help.

 “Hannah!” Jack screamed. He looks up and sees the creature. A tall skinny dark figure with what looks like three rows of intensely sharp teeth with saliva dripping out of its mouth. It holds Hannah by her left leg and throws her across the room, slamming her into the brick fireplace and she goes unconscious. The monster drooling, begins to stare at Jack. 

Jack ran for his life. He goes out the door and books it down the hill and down the narrow road, not looking back. Leaving Hannah and the creature all alone.

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