What REALLY Caused 2020 (part 4)


Staff Writer

Eventually, Phobos returned to his realm, almost bursting with such a wonderful radiance from the agonized minds of the humans. He quickly raced to where he had left Erebus, only to find said man missing. His fuzzy high from before slowly turned into that of concern. Where could he have gone? He thought, as he quickly searched around the surrounding area. With no luck from the outside, Phobos went to check Erebus’s palace. As he stepped inside, he heard a faint noise coming from the upper levels of the castle. Quickly, Phobos unfolded his wings and took off towards the very top of the castle. When he landed, he realized the noise was coming from the door down the hall. Erebus’s quarters. Phobos quickly walked to the door and gave a knock before opening it and walking in. The first thing he saw was Erebus starfished on the floor, limbs spread out and was laughing hysterically. Erebus didn’t even notice the other presence until Phobos was standing directly over him, and gave him a flick on the nose. “Are you sane, sire?” Phobos questioned, amusement apparent in his voice. Erebus just chuckled. 

  “Do you reckon this is enough power to last me an eternity?” Erebus made eye contact with Phobos and said man raised his eyebrows when he noticed how dilated Erebus’s eyes were. The usual piercing gold was replaced with black. His dark skin was flushed with a deep red. He seemed drunk on power. Phobos realized that Erebus’s eyes matched that of the eclipse and he laughed to himself. How ironic, he thought and responded, 

“Sire, an eternity for you is but a decade to those humans. I believe this power will last you much longer.” Phobos chuckled at Erebus’s far away state.  

“Sweet.” Was all Erebus said before he completely tuned out the rest of reality. Phobos sighed to himself and stood to leave. As he reached the door, he was startled by a yelp that came from Erebus behind him. He glanced back and saw a massive smile, one that could rival even his own, on Erebus’s face. Erebus noticed Phobos staring and shooed him off with his hand. “Don’t worry about me. I just pinched myself to make sure this wasn’t a dream. Carry on.” Erebus returned to his dazed state and Phobos only shook his head before exiting the room. As he walked down the corridor he thought aloud in dismay,

     “Gods, why did you choose him to be the Lord of darkness…?” 

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