

Staff Writer

It is crazy to see the world around us fall apart over other people’s political beliefs. I look around and see friendships ending, families at war, relationships breaking apart, and even strangers arguing. This is all because one person has a certain belief on who should win the election and the other has a different belief. This is outrageous. I personally don’t have a side on this. I believe that both Biden and Trump won’t be a very good president. I dislike both of them. People should respect other people’s beliefs. We are all different. Everybody has different opinions on things. We all see things in our own different ways. People are setting things on fire, rioting, and sending death threats to even their loved ones for wanting the opposite of their opinion to become president. Everyone is being extremely dramatic and needs to take it down a notch. I respect people for their beliefs. I sometimes may strongly disagree with someone, but I will not cut them out of my life because they want Trump, or they want Biden as their president. Everything is going too far. I definitely think that once one of them gets elected as our president, there will be a huge war outbreak throughout the United States. It is very upsetting. No one deserves to be killed, sent death threats, beat, or harassed all because of someone they want as their president. Everyone in the US needs to come together as a whole and take a look around them. They need to see what the world has become. It is a fiery flame that just keeps growing and growing til suddenly no one can take it any longer and people start killing each other. Everybody needs to stick together and be more understanding of other people’s beliefs. If this happened then everyone would be heard and there would be peace.

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