Online or Going Back to School


Staff Writer

This year has been quite difficult for some students, especially with being new to online learning, however, we will soon be given the chance to go back to normal school learning. Online school does have it’s pros and cons as well as normal learning does so many students are not so sure if they want to go back or not. 

With online learning students are separated into different groups which makes some students have either morning or afternoon classes. The good thing about distance learning is that we don’t have as much school hours and we even have a day off to get any work done. Students do seem to be getting more work but some may just feel that way because they don’t manage their school work and their personal life so then things just get unbalanced and they feel so overwhelmed with all of their homework. Others may have a better time such as myself with online classes since we have wednesdays off so we can catch up on any work that day and since we have less time in class we can spend half of our day catching up with any work from our classes. 

Even though online learning seems to be going okay for the most part we might be going back to school for the second semester. With the normal school learning that we are used to it might be best to just go back to the way things were but with the pandemic still happening there’s no sure of the students or teachers safety at school. Of course it might help those students who just learn better in person than online since we were taught like that our whole life but the only thing stopping things from returning to normal is the virus.

Hopefully things will get better soon and we can decide whether to go back to school or not but some of us don’t even know what we want. At first we hated online school since everything was so new and some students had technical difficulties but now some of us are unsure since we get more time to do work and stay at home. Either way we have to do our best in the school year whether that be online or in-person learning.

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