Is Entertainment Bad for Society?


Staff Writer

In recent years, a large debate on whether entertainment has a positive or negative effect on society has emerged. Through entertainment, I have been able to open my eyes to new ideas – politics, climate change, and life lessons –  that I would have never experienced without this outlet.

With the entertainment industry – news, television shows, and social media – still being relatively new to society, the average person’s knowledge on issues expands at a fast rate. This is apparent when it comes to televised news. When something catastrophic happens in Florida, Californians will know about it in just a few seconds. Although false information does spread, I don’t believe it can ruin society. Every person needs to take what is said on any news channel with a grain of salt and research the information if it is important. This is especially true when it comes to politics, specifically the 2020 election, with each news channel spreading a different narrative.

Overall, the entertainment industry does have some parts that could be considered negative, but the educational value of the industry far outweighs the bad. With this resource, people are able to learn about things they are interested in through the news, television, and social media faster than ever before. In a world without this industry, do you truly believe society could have progressed as much as we have with it?

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