Mental Health


Staff Writer 

I think we can all say this quarantine has taken a toll on us whether it be our mental health, relationships with friends and family, even relationships with ourselves. 

I’ve noticed a change in the way many people have started to view themselves because of this seclusion we have with the world. Social media has become even more popular among youths, but I think it’s safe to say that social media isn’t always the best focus. While many have been trying to stay distracted, others have not been having the easiest time. Many who struggle with their mental health have been battling with it even more. They’re stuck in a house with the same people everyday, they have the same scenery and no change in their lifestyle, and sadly, many haven’t been able to spend time with their friends or anyone close to them for that matter.

Making changes to your lifestyle can be extremely difficult given the circumstances, but some form of change has been deemed helpful. I understand that talking about making changes is extremely easy to do, it’s making the changes that’s the most difficult. Hopefully there’s a change in the lives of those who are struggling. I hate to see anyone who’s down about themselves, and I’m sure many others do as well. 

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