Los Angeles Lockdown


Staff Writer

With the numbers of cases rising from COVID-10 in the state of California it has put many counties on lockdown including Los Angeles. Los Angeles County has reported at least 56,317 in between the dates of November 16-29. The rules that come with the new order is that playgrounds and card rooms will be closed again after reopening in October. With the new order it says people should not gather with anyone outside their own household. It also issues that essential retail businesses limit their capacity to 35% and 20% for non-essential retail businesses. One of the shocking things to stay open are gyms can stay open at 50% capacity but will only be able to operate outdoors. This order will last at least until December 20th until cases go down. Also another rule that was put into place the week before is no more dining in at restaurants. These rules will stay in effect in Los Angeles County and possibly be moved into the rest of California if cases keep rising. 


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