Yoshimoto Nara


Staff Writer 

Yoshimoto Nara, a Japanese pop artist, known for painting children or animals showing different emotions and sometimes holding up a sign, or just a set of words with a small phrase. His art seems to be something appreciated for the style and message. 

To be completely honest, I’m not really sure why I’ve found myself having an interest in this artist, but there’s just something about it that makes me want to see more.

Yoshitomo Nara: Nobody's Fool | Asia Society

The feelings I get when seeing art is often rebellious and sometimes sinister, but at the same time it’s very cute in a way. The artist takes inspiration from both western and eastern pop culture and he goes on to explain, “The fact is I have never once said that I’ve been influenced by Japanese manga. For a very long time I have created my art from a spiritual point of view. It is filled with religious and philosophical considerations.” I think this makes him an outlier from many other Japanese artists who most often take inspiration from anime or Japanese manga. Your Dog, Yoshitomo Nara | Mia

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