One Decade To Go


Staff Writer

As a senior, I know all of the emotions swirling through the class of 2021 minds: confused, lost and scared. I get overwhelmed with knowing that our senior year is breezing through and that I have no idea what I am going to do with the next chapter of my life. However, when I feel most stressed about how I have no single clue about what is in store for me, I remind myself that in ten years it will be better. In ten years that failed quiz won’t matter, those dishes you did not put away won’t matter, and whether or not your TikTok made the for you page won’t matter. Instead what will matter in ten years is that we can look back at these troubling times and realize that we made it! With all of the different pathways that we will be taking, there is a place out there where every individual belongs. No matter where we end up, I wish my class of 2021 success and happiness. I wish that with wherever life takes us, that it will take us to a place full of adventure and experiences. Although we might have gotten the year we have been waiting for taken away from us in a glance, it is important to remember that this is just the beginning! There are so many opportunities out there- so much life to still live! So the next time you start doubting yourself, the next time you start feeling lost, the next time you can’t find the answers you are looking for- remind yourself to wait ten years. 

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