A Few Tips To Know For Frenchie Breeding


Staff Writer

French Bulldogs are very cute dogs that don’t require a few things that regular big dogs would need. For example, Frenchies actually don’t do so much exercise like going on walks a lot since they have a few problems with breathing. They are great inside dogs and very playful, but they just need lots of attention from you. Breeding Frenchies can be very hard to do and I don’t know the differences between them and other ones, but there’s some things I would consider before you want to start breeding and selling them.

Firstly, what’s your dream Frenchie dog? French bulldogs can come in different sizes, colors, and can have different genes in their own blood as well. A few that I could name are tri-tip, cream, chocolate, platinum, and much more.  

You may think these two aren’t related but the dog on the right is the grandmother of the boy on the left. You also must make sure you have your idea on the dream dog and try to make a goal for the dog. For example, my dad wants a small, muscular, platinum frenchie. Everyone can have different kinds of styles for their ideal dog as my older sister loves the more skinny, long ones like the dog on the right (Blu Berri).

Another thing to be careful about is the cost and money put into frenchie breeding. If you’re going to breed, you have to pay of course for a few things. That’s where these french bulldogs become very expensive. You have to first get your female pregnant with your own male or with someone else’s male. That whole process can take a while and there’s a small chance where it can probably not work, so you want to have someone who’s much experienced in this field help you or if you know how to, then you can go right ahead and it’s much cheaper on your part. So after your dog has been pregnant for 60 days, you have to take her to a vet that can do c-sections. French bulldogs aren’t like other dogs who can naturally birth the puppies as they would have to cut in their stomach to take them out. C-sections can be expensive depending on the vet, but you have to make sure you have that money prepared for when the time comes. 

Preparation for these dogs should be all good as when they’re born, you need a very warm place for them to be in. My family how we did it is we would buy very soft blankets and get a basket that was big enough for them and put blankets on the bottom of the basket along with a blanket to cover them if it’s cold out. Once the dogs are taken to your home, you need to have an area set up where they can be safe from anything that may hurt them as well in a heated environment where it’s 80-89 degrees.

As Frenchies are such cute dogs that love to have attention, that’s the most important fact if you want to breed Frenchies or even just want one for a nice life. You can have one just for comfort as they are great to have sleep with you and take care of. They deserve lots of attention so take that into consideration if you do get Frenchies.

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