Unfortunate Attacks on Asian-Amercians


Staff Writer

Over the past week it has become clear that there are major spikes in attacks on Asian-Americans. Apparently this has been happening since the beginning of the pandemic as the COVID-19 virus “originated” in China. People who are Xenophobic have been attacking those who appear Asian as they are somehow the “reason” COVID-19 is in the US. As of recent video footage of these aimed attacks have come out and people all over social media are outraged. People will be normally walking down the road and all of a sudden they’re shoved, jumped, robbed, beat, etc., by people who are mad about the virus. Not only are people targeting this one group of people, they also target elderly Asian-Americans. With the video footage circulating amongst all platforms, people are demanding justice be served for the hate crimes committed against this community. So far a certain amount of justice has been served, but it doesn’t seem as though everyone is getting the same punishment. In fact, some people are getting off with barely a slap on the wrist, and that is far from okay.

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