50 Million Given!


Staff Writer

I believe that everybody is having a difficult time during the pandemic, no matter what circumstance they’re in. But lately some things started to get better throughout the last month. During his first 100 days in office, President Joe Biden celebrated the success on February 25, of 50 million vaccines given within 37 days! This is a huge change and working progress being done to help our nation! Many people are still struggling throughout this time, but as vaccines are still going towards many more, there is hope. We all need to be patient and still keep social distancing and wear masks; That is important to the country if you just do your part. If you’re traveling, just make sure you quarantine yourself for 14 days and get tested. This will help others stay safe including yourself and others around you. Let’s hope that the virus could slow itself down as we keep on doing what we’re supposed to do. WE GOT THIS!

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