Free Speech Case Picked Up By Supreme Court


Staff Writer

A student at the school of Georgia Gwinnett College, Chike Uzuegbunam, felt that their freedom of speech was taken away when the college had told him he cannot be distributing religious literature on campus. This student has taken it to regular court and they threw out the case. According to the college, since this incident, they have new policies. This is an important case because constitutional rights were violated. While this student has since graduated from Georgia Gwinnett College, he is still fighting to make sure that other students who have had this right violated, gets justice and is heard by the system. The whole argument was that the college, at the time, had “free speech zones” and you could only distribute information to others in those zones. The courts saw this as valid. Students who ran into the same issues had their lawsuits also go through in 2017. After the suits against Georgia Gwinnett College, the college changed their policies and now free speech is welcomed all over campus.

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