Social Media Dilemma


Staff Writer

Within the past two weeks major events have taken place that aren’t ideal. The Capital of the United States was unfortunately overtaken by the supporters of President Donald Trump. During and after these events, Donald Trump chose to take his words to the social media app, Twitter, to further condone the behavior of these people, who were only supposed to be there for a peaceful protest. Soon after these events Twitter banned the President permanently from using the app. Not long after Trump was banned from all social media platforms. After Trump was banned, investigations into the people at the Capitol riots were launched. It then came out that the conservatives were using an app called ‘Parler’ to plan out not only the attempted coup, but other violent protests at other big ceremonies such as the Inauguration on January 21, 2021. Parler was soon taken off of the app store for both Apple and Android. To no surprise it caused an uproar and people felt as though their freedom of speech was being taken away. 

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