Scary night


Staff Writer

As I walked into a dark house, I found myself trapped, unable to move. I had no idea what to do. I got scared. I tried to run but I couldn’t. I tried to scream but I knew no one could hear me. I was unable to move, speak or cry. All I had left was my brain. My thoughts were flying from left to right. I was terrified out of my mind. All I could think about was my family. Where were they? Were they okay? Do they know what is happening to me? I wanted my moms arms around me. The more time that passed, the more scared I got. I tried so hard to move but I couldn’t. I was completely trapped. I started to forget who I was. All of the strength I used in my body to move wasn’t working. I started to slowly give up. I just stood there like I was worthless. As time went on, I heard someone at the front door. I wanted to scream at them for help, but I also didn’t want them to come in and get trapped as well, but words just wouldn’t come out. The door creaked open and there was a black figure standing in the doorway. The figure began coming closer and closer. I began to get even more scared. Then, it started to shake me. The shakes got harder and faster after each one. An echo started to bounce from wall to wall. All I could hear was “Maddie, Maddie” and I couldn’t respond. The words became clearer after each shake. I started getting my strength and movement back. My eyes started to open. I saw a bright light and my mom standing over me shaking me. “I’m so glad you’re okay,” she cried. I sat up confused. I realized I was asleep the entire time. I looked at my mom and hugged her tight. I never had another sleep paralysis experience again after that.

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