McDonalds Oreo Shamrock McFlurry at Home Recipe


Staff Writer 


4 scoops of Vanilla Ice-Cream

1 cup Milk

10 Oreo Cookies

1 tsp. Mint Extract 

Green Food Dye

The iconic McDonald’s Oreo Shamrock McFlurry is a desert people look forward to every March. With this recipe anyone can make it all year long with the right ingredients. To start off you will need to get 4 scoops of vanilla ice cream and out that in your blender. Next add in 1 cup of milk along with 10 oreos. Then to give it the Saint Patricks day taste add in 1 teaspoon of mint extract and a few drops of green food coloring to get your desired green shade. Then blend until the consistency looks like soft serve ice-cream. Finally pour your McFlurry into a glass and top it off with some additional oreo crumbs if you would like and ta-da. You have now made yourself an at home Oreo Shamrock McFlurry! 

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