The Case of Prisma Reyes

By: Biridiana Lopez-Rodriguez

Staff Writer

Prisma Reyes is a woman who suddenly vanished into thin air even though she had plenty of contact with people she knew. She was seen in several different locations the same day she went missing. And even after 2 years, she has still not been found. Prisma Reyes is a 26-year-old woman that lived in Dallas Texas with her 6-year-old son who she was completely devoted to and cherished. According to her stepfather, she put herself through college when she was in college to give herself and her son a better life. She was born in Veracruz Mexico and was raised by her mother and grandmother. Her mother married her stepfather when she was still a kid and they moved to texas. Prisma was able to become an official U.S citizen shortly before she went missing. And at the time of her disappearance was working as both a paralegal and at a car dealership. She also served in the National Guard so she would call a family friend for help and hired her as a babysitter for her son. 

On April 17 2019, she dropped her son off at the babysitters home and headed to work at the car dealership. Prisma would usually pick her son up at around 7:30 pm but when she didn’t come or contact the babysitter that she would be picking him up later, she began to worry. At 9:30 pm, when Prisma still hadn’t shown up or answered the phone, the police were called. There were no reports that she was acting strangely or seemed distracted in any way. At around midday, Prisma left the site to meet up with her ex for lunch. According to her mother and sister, Prisma tried to rekindle the relationship and everyone thought it was a bad idea since it was pretty toxic. The two met at a bar and where they ate and had a few drinks. The pair allegedly got into an argument and the ex left the restaurant where Prisma stayed for another 3 hours and kept drinking until the bartender cut her off after she caused a verbal disturbance and told her to leave. She drove away from the restaurant in her 2017 Jeep Wrangler. 

She began to drive to her job, when she suddenly did a u-turn and headed to her ex’s apartment. According to Prisma’s manager, Prisma had never come back to work that day after her extended lunch. She also apparently got into a road-rage accident, in which no one was injured, and she left the scene before the police arrived at the scene. She called the babysitter and they talked for an hour which was reported as unusual because she would only talk to the babysitter for 10 minutes throughout the day. She called to tell her that she would pick up her son at the same time as usual. She was seen on CCTV running into a parking garage where she was pacing back and forth outside the elevator making several phone calls. Some of these calls were towards her ex and her friend. According to her friend, Prisma told her that she was in an elevator and needed help because she didn’t feel right. A resident of the apartment building reported that they saw Prisma nearby the elevator crying, as she walked out of the view from the camera and was never seen again.

Prisma’s babysitter called 911 after waiting an extra 2 hours and reported her as missing. Her car was discovered the next day abandoned outside the apartment complex, and it was parked in the intersection as if intended to be there for only a short time. But they found it strange that no one had called to have the car towed even though it was in a place which would disturb traffic. The police trying to solve this case commented that it was a frustrating case due to the lack of leads, and hundreds of people have been interviewed about this case. But still haven’t come close to making an arrest or figuring out what happened to Prisma when searching the apartment complex. Her family then reported that her behavior that day was extremely out of character because she wasn’t the type to go out drinking during the day and she wasn’t the type of mother who would abandon her child. 

A month after Prisma’s disappearance, her son’s father filed for emergency custody which he was denied. And to the family this was something very weird since he had never been a part of his son’s life. When he found out that Prisma was pregnant, he ended the relationship and never contacted them, he never even paid for the child support. And now out of the blue he wants to build a bond with his son as well as trying to get along with Prisma’s parents. The police investigated both the ex she visited and her son’s father, but both had solid alibi. The family agreed to wait till Prisma’s son was older to tell him what happened, but Prisma’s stepfather says that his grandchild already knows something bad happened to his mother and doesn’t understand the situation. There are many theories saying that foul play was involved considering the state she was in. But till this day no one knows what truly happened to her.

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