Love At First Sight


Staff Writer

I walked into a Petco the other day with my boyfriend. As I walked in, the first thing I noticed was this beautiful orange haired cat. Knowing I already had a kitten, I knew this was an impossible thing to have. She had beautiful, soft, long hair and she was so adorable. It was love at first sight. I sat by her cage for about 30 minutes. My boyfriend was getting really irritated because he wanted to leave but I just couldn’t leave this adorable cat by herself. I told the other people looking at animals to get her so she can have a home right then, but no one else got caught by her beauty like I did. I saw many other options as well, but that cat specifically caught my eyes. She was rubbing up against the glass wanting to be pet. When it was time to go I began to cry. The entire car ride home I cried and for a long time after I had got home. She was the only thing I talked about for days. My mom has 2 cats, I have 1, and we have 2 dogs as well so I knew I couldn’t beg my mom for her. My mom knew I wanted her but already told me no three times. I ended up calling the store asking if she was still there and I was told she was already reserved. That broke my heart but I knew I wasn’t able to get her anyways so I was happy she was going to be in a loving home. I cried so hard for hours. My mom felt really bad so she had me call Petco back and find out if I could come tomorrow and get her if the owners didn’t come pick her up. I felt as if it was impossible because who could let a cat like that down and not show up. I prayed and prayed all day. I was so excited that there might be a chance I could get her. The next morning I ran to the car to hurry and go to Petco. I walked in and I couldn’t find her. I was super upset until I saw her at the very back of a different cage. I ran up and I kind of pushed the other people looking at her away so I could get to her. I screamed that she was mine. I finally had the cat to myself. The people didn’t come and get her and God heard my prayers. When she got home, she became very aggressive and attacked me a few times. I discovered that she doesn’t like children that much so I have to be careful when she is around them. She is very scared so I’m assuming that is why she attacked but I am giving her a chance. My kitten, Stella, isn’t very fond of her but I love her. I decided to name her Lia. Stella and Lia are my favorite things in the whole world.

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