If the World Ended Part 8


Staff writer 

As Sarah stood there in silence hearing only the wind blow, rustling the leaves on the trees that surround the cabin. Her breath heavy from the adrenaline rushing through her body, After standing there for a couple of minutes Sarah decides to look out the front door picking open a little bit. She notices the dog lying there on the ground breathing heavily, She decides to take a look at what’s wrong but first looks around the cabin room to find something just in case the dog gets up again. Sarah  grabs a hold of an old broken wood piece chair leg and heads back to the  front door, she opens it very slowly hearing the creaking sound of the old front door,  walking slowly outside leaves crunching under  every step she takes getting closer  to the dog on the floor. when she is close enough she notices the dog’s  eyes are blood red and there is more foam in its mouth. The dog notices Sarah but doesn’t move instead they start crying. Sarah feels sad for the dog and moves closer to where she is standing right by its head. Sarah nails down and slowly reaches her arm out to touch the dog, she pauses as a dog whines more louder.  She reaches the touch of the dog and pets it as she sees finally how much pain it’s in. seeing the dog like that makes Sarah think about every person in her town and if it’s the same reason how they died. Sarah stays with the dog as it’s still whining. She sits down next to it petting its head, she starts to cry a little bit, Tears going down her face dropping on the dog’s head. She notices the dog is not mining anymore and looks down to see is stop breathing.

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