By: Stevie Weber
Staff Writer
Stevie’s Recipe for the Best Ramen Breakfast
- Acquire your favorite flavor of instant ramen
- Grab a pot large enough to fit the amount of ramen noodles you plan on cooking
- Fill said pot with water, enough to completely submerge your ramen
- Put the pot full of water on the stove, and set it to high to boil your water
- Once the water is boiling, enter your ramen (or poor the water into your ramen cup)
- Let the noodles soften (takes about 3 mins) and also add your flavoring if you have some
- Strain the water so you just have your noodles
- Now, get a pan large enough to hold your noodles and turn it on to mid heat
- Use butter or oil to lube up your pan
- Place your noodles in the pan
- Grab as many eggs as you want, and crack them in the pan
- Stir until eggs are scrambled and mixed
- Add whatever other ingredients you want (I usually go for a type of meat ((bacon, sausage, steak, etc.)), onion, a vegetable ((bell pepper)), and cheese!)
- Add salt, pepper and a nice amount of garlic powder to finish out your meal
- Stir and mix until satisfied
- Put your noodle mix onto whatever you want to eat off of, and dig in!