Dystopian Nightmares Are A Reality Now


Staff Writer 

In Australia, lockdowns have become a way of life, once praised as an island without COVID-19. Now Australia has become a land of brutal and tyrannical lockdowns with the government acting like a dictatorship and the police acting like thugs and cracking down on freedom and human rights. Australia has now become a dystopian nightmare with “1984” Geroge Orwell becoming a reality in the nation and others may say the brutal lockdowns are necessary for safety. If that is so, look to history for examples of freedom being taken away for safety like how Hilter took guns away from the Jews as it was to ‘protect Germans from savage attacks from Jews’ or how spying took place in the Soviet Union to stop ‘capitalist imperialism’. 

1984 Thought Police Quotes. QuotesGram

Australia has traded freedom for safety in order to combat COVID-19 in the height of the pandemic. The results have proven disastrous with the government having powers shutting down free speech and rallies and protests by using the police. The police shut down rallies using violence, going door to door Gestapo style homes questioning them about their health or just straight breaking in their homes and arresting people for posting about anti-lockdown protests without warrants. With the military being deployed on the streets in some places enforcing COVID-19 laws and curfews being able to stop people and question them. This raised concerns such in the BBC article “Covid In Sydney: Military deployed to help enforce lockdown” where citizens raised questions if deploying the military was a legitimate option to enforce social distancing as many feel it’s ‘heavy-handed’ and if controlling people’s movement to a 6 mile radius and only allowed to go out for 2 hours is overkill, which it is. 

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