The History Behind Ms. Moore 


Staff Writer

This article was all provided with questions from Carla Moore and direct answers from Carla Moore herself. Since she has been working here at El Diamante we wanted to know more about her education and any sort of facts we can get to learn more about her. Furthermore, let’s get into the life of Carla Moore.

Question 1. How do you view your children? 

Answer: My school “children” are just like my home children. I wish the best for them.

Question 2. How long have you been in the education business? Have you taught all grades? 

Answer: I started teaching kindergarten and knew I did not want to stay at that level. So I went back to school to get my Single Subject teaching credential so I could teach middle and high school. I taught at La Joya for 7 years and then moved on over to El Diamante and have been here 10 years.

Question 3. Where did you start and what other schools have you taught?  

Answer: Answered in the last question

Question 4. Do you have any hobbies or any things you like to do in your spare time?

Answer: I love to swim, work in the yard, and read.

Question 5.; Are you married and have any kids?

 Answer: I am divorced with two adult children, a daughter, and a son. My daughter has two boys that I just adore.

Question 6. What’s your favorite experience so far at El Diamante?

Answer: I really enjoy doing extra things with students outside the classroom, so will miss advising on the Mock Trial team this year.

Question 7. Is there anything you would like to share with the students and staff at El Diamante? 

Answer: Get involved with things at school. You will make good memories.

Question 8. When did you know you wanted to be a teacher – 

Answer:I wanted to teach PE when I was younger but did not go to college right after high school. When I could go back, I decided that English was my best bet.

Question 9. How do you feel about coivd 

Answer:I am so sorry that it hit us and has caused students, teachers, and families to have to be quarantined and get sick.

Question 10. How come you are so nice and polite to all your students? –

Answer: I am thrilled you think I am nice and polite. I feel you should treat others like you want to be treated.

Question 11, Any advice to anyone struggling in life. Including grade, class, –

Answer: Just hang in there! There will always be bad days, but the good ones make the difference.

I want to thank Ms. Moore for being such an amazing teacher, always caring for her students and wanting to get to know her students. I love how much patience she has and

how much she cares for her students. Let’s make this another great year for her!

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