A 7.0 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes


Staff Writer

On September 7th at 6:47 pm an earthquake struck 9 miles from Acapulco, Guerrero. This earthquake was rated at a magnitude of 7. In this tragedy that happened on Tuesday, luckly not many lives were lost. 

One man was killed in this earthquake, he died a tragic death. During the earthquake a utility pole fell on him, smashing him to his death. No one else was killed, but many were frightened. Many people are terrified as to what will happen in the next few days because of the aftershocks that come with a big earthquake. 

There’s not a whole lot of destruction done, the whole city is not destroyed, however, utility poles and debris did fall, crushing some cars and a few buildings did fall down. Even with the high magnitude of this earthquake, it did not cause as much damage as would have been expected.

Mexico is prone to earthquakes because it is a very active place, it sits on five tectonic plates and three of those plates are major plates. Sitting on these five plates causes  big earthquakes every few years. 

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