Masks? Are They Really Required?


Staff Writer

When you’re at school walking around you see all sorts of people wearing their masks differently. Outside it’s not required to wear, but it’s in the classroom where it gets tricky. I see other students with it on correctly, under their nose, not even on at all, but it’s required to wear inside. Is it not? I feel that a lot of teachers are becoming more lenient with their students wearing masks. Even if you don’t think you’re sick, you should be mindful of others around you and just wear your mask over your nose. If it doesn’t fit, the attendance office has paper masks that have the metal piece in the nose to fit perfectly. If it’s too hot, step outside for a second. It’s not worth it to risk the safety of not only yourself, but your family as well, and everyone else here at school. You never know how high risk some students may be to COVID-19 or the new Delta Variant. Even if you are vaccinated, you can still carry the virus. Some may think COVID is fake, or stupid, or “not a big deal”, whatever you want to say, but the hundreds of thousands of people dying from it, is not. Please protect yourself and others, wear your mask.

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